Please login to see that resource"; $downloadPath = "./"; // File Path & File Send_File_To_Client($downloadPath.$_GET['file'], $_GET['file']); die; } else { // Set Variables for query since they're not automatically included $username = $_SESSION['username']; $app = "eld"; $table = "users"; $downloadPath = "./"; // Do not echo this out, or use this variable to read files $unsafe_File_Name = $_GET['file']; // If there is a file specified, lets try to fetch it if (isset($_GET['file']) && $unsafe_File_Name != "") { // first set the file name $filename = $unsafe_File_Name; // Set the base path to aviod including bad files // Get the last element of the array $escaped_filename = explode("/", $unsafe_File_Name); // swap contents out $temp = $escaped_filename[count($escaped_filename) - 1]; // swap contents out $escaped_filename = $temp; // unset this one quickly unset($temp); // do some additional last minute stripping $escaped_filename = str_replace('\\', "", $escaped_filename); $escaped_filename = str_replace('..', "", $escaped_filename); $escaped_filename = str_replace("'", '', $escaped_filename); $escaped_filename = str_replace('/', "", $escaped_filename); // set this so that the filename shows when we send it $displayName = $escaped_filename; // this is the full path to the file $filename = $downloadPath . "/" . $escaped_filename; // Does the file even exist? if (!file_exists($filename)) { //echo "Filename: ".$escaped_filename."
"; // For debug only DONT ECHO // Give this message on why the file doesn't exist echo "Sorry: " . htmlentities($unsafe_File_Name) . " Does Not Exist Here"; die; } // If we got past all of the above Send_File_To_Client($filename, $displayName); } // Display a list of all of the files, nicely organized else { ?>

J. Murrey Atkins Library - ELD

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